Portrait photography for me is about bringing out the best in the person in front of the lens. We reveal who we are with a look, a smile, an attitude. The goal is to make you feel natural, because then that's who you really are. When you feel comfortable, you usually feel beautiful and yourself. I want to capture that.

My editing is also as natural as possible with color correction and the most necessary removal. The goal is not to show the fake you, but the best you. Whatever you are. If you expect retouched photos where your friends and family don't recognize you, then maybe it's better to find another photographer.

In case you love yourself the way you are, I can't wait for the collaboration to begin.

Fotografiranje portreta za mene je izvlačenje najboljeg od osobe koja se nalazi ispred objektiva. Pogledom, s osmijehom, stavom otkrivamo tko smo. Cilj je da se osjećate prirodno jer ste onda to vi koji zaista jeste. Kada se osjećate ugodno najčešće se onda i osjećate lijepo. To želim zabilježiti.

Obrada je također što prirodnija uz korekciju boja i najpotrebnijeg uklanjanja. Cilj nije pokazati lažnu nego najbolju vas. Kakva god ona je. Ako očekujete retuširane fotke gdje vas prijatelji i obitelj ne prepoznaju onda možda bolje da pronađete nekog drugog fotografa.

U slučaju da volite sebe takvi kakvi jeste, jedva čekam da suradnja započne.